Meeting of Director & Members

Director (Board) Meeting

Directors may convene Board Meetings at any time during the year. Corporate governance dictates six meetings per annum. Board meetings are an opportunity for the Directors to remove themselves from the daily distractions of business and focus on the overall management and future direction of their company.

General (Member) Meeting

An Annual General Meeting of the Member(s) must be held as it’s name suggests once in every calendar year. The AGM must, at a minimum deal with:

  • presentation of Accounts, and;
  • re-appointment of Auditor.

Any other items requiring Member(s) approval such as changes to company name or Constitution (formally referred to as Memorandum & Articles of Association) are dealt with by a specifically convened meeting called Extraordinary General Meeting.


All companies must hold an Annual General Meeting, although private limited companies have the right to dispense with convening a physical Annual General Meeting and instead hold it by way of a Written Resoution.


United Kingdom

Private companies do not have to convene an AGM unless the requirement is stated within the company’s Articles of Association. UK companies will have to convene a General Meeting to deal with items such as removal of a director or auditor.